Team Legslii at 5-8 gets the best score this week!

December 5, 2018
Sorry for the late update everyone. Busy time of year!
It’s a rough week for those of us that didn’t make the winner’s bracket. Specially for Team Starnes who got beat by those Yarrrrrlett Fantasy Pirates. There is always next year buddy. But Knox Killers is sitting pretty in that BYE position this week. It’s playoff time folks and round 1 is looking pretty intense! Who’s going to advance to the next round? I guess we will have to see who gets knocked out and who remains. Here are the results of last weeks match-up.
Oh yeah don’t look at Dirty Landry‘s score it’s embarrassing. LOL. Team Legslii is a little late to the race with that score though.
Week 13 Results:
Team Legslii (LEZ)
(5-8)Leslie Beach
126 |
Dirty Landry (DL)
(4-9)Scott Voigt
50.4 |
Knox Killers (RITC)
(9-4)Lance Ritchie
92.5 |
Something Clever (WTF)
(7-6)Mark Maggiolo
70.5 |
Team Trent (TREN)
(5-8)Dakota Trent
97.8 |
Team Taco (TACO)
(8-5)Bret Paul
119.9 |
Team Landers (LAND)
(1-12)Jay Landers
35.9 |
Team Tomassoni (TOMA)
(8-5)Brandon Tomassoni
91.5 |
Blue Footed BB’s (BB)
(7-6)Daniel Fugate
46.5 |
Team Sutton (SUTT)
(9-4)Patrick Sutton
110.3 |
Yarrrrrlett Fantasy Pirates (YARR)
(8-5)Kris Yarlett
89.5 |
Team Starnes (STAR)
(7-6)Eric Starnes
59.4 |