October 23, 2018
I’m almost embarrassed to take a win with only 76.8 points for the week. Remember to see who, on your roster, is on a bye week! As much as I want to give Team Landers a hard time about being 0-7, I think we need to give out a belt for the lowest score of the season to those Fantasy Pirates. They scored a whopping 38.2 points this week and it wasn’t even because anybody was on a bye. This is only because there is not a single double digit score on his roster. Yarrrrrr-letting it happen Kris! Hahaha!
We have three 5-2 teams and three 4-3 teams in our H.Y.P.E. Crew league. Still anybody’s game!
Week 7 Scores
Dirty Landry (DL)
(3-4)Scott Voigt
76.8 |
Team Legslii (LEZ)
(3-4)Leslie Beach
63.1 |
Something Clever (WTF)
(3-4)Mark Maggiolo
89.9 |
Knox Killers (RITC)
(4-3)Lance Ritchie
91.1 |
Team Taco (TACO)
(5-2)Bret Paul
138.6 |
Team Trent (TREN)
(3-4)Dakota Trent
88.7 |
Team Tomassoni (TOMA)
(5-2)Brandon Tomassoni
131.7 |
Team landers (LAND)
(0-7)jay landers
58.4 |
Team Sutton (SUTT)
(4-3)Patrick Sutton
125.9 |
Blue Footed BB’s (BB)
(5-2)Daniel Fugate
96.3 |
Team Starnes (STAR)
(4-3)Eric Starnes
98.8 |
Yarrrrrlett Fantasy Pirates (YARR)
(3-4)Kris Yarlett
38.2 |