Close Race So Far!!!

November 13, 2018
Just when you thought it couldn’t be done Team Landers gets his first win against Team Starnes who had a chance to get into 1st place but instead it slips through his fingers. Knox Killers making my team, Dirty Landry, look like actual dirty laundry. Took me to the cleaners with a 141.1 – 76.2 score making him and Team Sutton tie for 1st place at 7 wins and 3 losses.
Got to give those Yarrrrrlett Fantasy Pirates a shout out for knocking down the door of Team Tomassoni who is in a 4-way tie for 2nd at 6 wins and 4 losses. It’s going to be interesting H.Y.P.E.
Here are Week 10‘s results:
Knox Killers (RITC)
(7-3)Lance Ritchie
141.1 |
Dirty Landry (DL)
(4-6)Scott Voigt
76.2 |
Team Trent (TREN)
(4-6)Dakota Trent
99.8 |
Team Sutton (SUTT)
(7-3)Patrick Sutton
111.2 |
Team landers (LAND)
(1-9)jay landers
100.8 |
Team Starnes (STAR)
(6-4)Eric Starnes
91.9 |
Team Legslii (LEZ)
(3-7)Leslie Beach
35.1 |
Something Clever (WTF)
(6-4)Mark Maggiolo
83.9 |
Blue Footed BB’s (BB)
(6-4)Daniel Fugate
120.4 |
Team Taco (TACO)
(5-5)Bret Paul
107.1 |
Yarrrrrlett Fantasy Pirates (YARR)
(5-5)Kris Yarlett
115.4 |
Team Tomassoni (TOMA)
(6-4)Brandon Tomassoni
98.1 |